Wednesday 1 January 2014

2014 • New years resolutions

Hey everyone my first blog oat of 2014 this seems to crazy how fast the years are going! Knowing that this is my last year of sixth form and that I will be 18 this year is crazy! Anyway I wanted to wish you all a happy new year and I hope this year is going to be full of luck and good opportunities for us all!

This is also the time of the year when everyone is starting a fresh and making their resolutions and I thought I would share my resolutions for this year with you all. In this new year I would like to make myself healthier and by that I don't necessarily mean loosing weight but I mean drinking more water and green tea and increasing the amounts of fruits and vegetables that I eat everyday. As doing this will not only help me to loose a few extra pounds but will help my skin get clearer too.

I also want to be more positive and happy in myself as I'm a great believer of "you can be happy if you want to be" and I definitely intend to make this happen this year. I think that less worrying and making judgements will help me to be happier in myself. I also think that this goes for everyone too!

"If you want to be sad, no one in the world can make you happy.

But if you make up your mind to be happy, no one and nothing on earth 

can take that happiness from you." 

The beauty of having a blog also means that I can look back on all of these things I want at the end of the year and also when I feel in need of motivation I think it will be nice for me to be able to look at my goals.

I wish you all a happy and healthy new year, let me know what your new years resolution is in the comments below! See you all soon
Leisha x

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